How Epoxy Flooring Can Increase Customer Satisfaction at Your Gym

A significant number of people in Denver are regular gym goers, and the area has a significant number of gyms to meet their needs. Staying competitive as a gym in Denver therefore requires not only the right equipment and fitness types to meet your customers’ needs, but also the right environment where visitors to your space will enjoy exercising.

A large part of this environment comes from the physical characteristics of your property, and perhaps none is so important as the flooring. Most gym spaces are expansive and the flooring on your property can be a significant visual element. In addition to contributing to comfort, an epoxy floor is an affordable and low maintenance way to get a beautiful fitness floor for your gym and create the perfect setting for your members’ hardcore workouts.

Benefits of an Epoxy Fitness Floor in Denver

Epoxy flooring has several significant benefits for businesses and gym owners. It is affordable to install at only a few dollars per square foot and yet lasts for many years without the need for expensive repairs or refinishing. It is also easy to clean with a broom and mop so that your staff can keep an extremely hygienic environment.

The fitness floor will also stand up to whatever equipment you are using in your gym, including heavy weight racks and, with the protection of padded rubber mats, the occasional weight drop.

But the features that will more directly appeal to your members and make your gym their preferred locale for working out include:

  • Attractive Colors – Epoxy comes in an extensive range of color options. Neutrals can create a more calming environment while vibrant tones are bright and active, boosting visitors’ mood while they are working out. You can combine different colors, using calming neutrals in yoga studios and lobbies and bright tones on the weight room floor. You can also incorporate your logo into the floor.
  • Increased Brightness – Based on the gloss level, epoxy flooring can naturally increase the luminosity of a space by up to 300% due to the way it reflects light. This will make your members feel more awake and energized while they are exercising. It can also save money on energy costs.
  • Anti-Slip – Sweat and the occasional spill can leave other flooring types slick, but not epoxy. An epoxy coating is naturally anti-slip so your patrons can move more easily around your gym.
  • Clean and Antibacterial – Epoxy resin is non-porous so there is no place for dirt or germs to become trapped in the surface. This fact will make members feel more comfortable working out in your facility, but will also make your interior visibly cleaner and less likely to show stains over time.

Ideally these benefits for gyms will transfer into increased member retention and revenue at your gym, in addition to being an effective and convenient solution for you as a gym owner. Colorado Concrete Repair is a leading epoxy flooring installer in Denver. We install epoxy coatings at gyms of all sizes.

Contact Us Today For Your Free Estimate

If you’re looking for concrete floor refinishingconcrete stainingepoxy coatingsconcrete repair or other services, our team can provide high-quality, effective solutions for your fitness floor in Denver, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.

Give us a call at (720) 835-1013, or fill out the form below to get started today!